Thursday, March 5, 2009

First Bouquet of the Season

"The earth laughs in flowers"
~e e cumings

Amidst the brown leaves and bare trees of winter,

the happy daffodils, spring up from their slumber.

They were planted by my sister in law who used to live in "the outpost"...which Kalin and I have fondly taken to calling our current dwelling. The daffodils make me ever so happy as they reliably come up from their winter beds every year. Oh, how I do love picking bouquets of them adding a spring here and there of bridal wreath. They fill our home with such a wonderful light fragrance, a reminder of the promise of spring.

On another note...Thursday Violet and I went to story time at the Mountain View Library. They have such a good program. After story time, we went to Woods Soda Fountain for lunch. Violet decided it was her new favorite place. Later we walked over to Nancy's Antiques and I picked up a couple of treasures.

little pitcher perfect for flowers or milk for Violet's cereal (it will be easier for her to pour)
cute tiny wooden salt and pepper shakers from Japan, Violet likes these too :)

1 comment:

Liz said...

Oh, I wish I were there with you. The flowers look so pretty. I imagine that the weather is beautiful and Spring is starting to show her colors! I miss you terribly!