Tuesday, July 7, 2009


"More grows in the garden than the gardener sows"
~ Old Spanish Proverb

Violet and Gammer

Hopa Crab apples

Today we harvested a huge mound of elephant garlic from the garden. It is so fun digging in the soil and plucking these huge heads of garlic from the earth.
We also harvested a handful of Cubanelle peppers and a bit of strawberries.
It wont be long before we will have baskets of peppers. Cubanelles have a wonderful flavor. It is kind of a cross between a green bell pepper and a chillie. We are putting a seed order in from Pinetree Garden Seeds for a few varieties that are ready to harvest in under 40 days ad are heat tolerant. I am excited. I have been working on preparing beds for the coming seedlings.

It was also fitting that I got my new Mary Jane's Farm magazine in the mail this week, and it has an article about putting up the harvest. Oh, how I love this magazine. If you want to see a cool video of her farm hands harvesting garlic on her farm click here.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Your garden is so fantastic. Everything is huge! I have one midget bell pepper that is ready to be harvested. I have not picked it yet because I keep hoping it will get bigger, but it seems as though its growth has stunted.